
trešdiena, 2012. gada 5. decembris

Konsoles galdiņi 18.gadsimtā

Konsoles galdiņi savu popularitāti ieguva Francijā, Luija XIV un Luija XV laikā, 18.gadsimta pirmajā pusē. Sākotnēji tie bija mazi, pusmēness formas plauktiņi piestiprināti pie sienas. Vēlāk tie tiek veidoti ar priekšējām kājām, lai tās izskatās tāpat kā tas bija brīvi stāvošam galdam. Galu galā, viņi kļūst brīvi stāvoši, bet joprojām pusmēness formas, vai dažreiz taisnstūra formas. Parasti tos novieto zem lielā sienas spoguļa, un tie ir ar bagātīgi detalizētiem ornamentiem uz kājām.

Мебельные консоли были в моде во Франции во времена Людовика XIV и Людовика XV. Некоторые консоли этой эпохи в высшей степени изящны и могут считаться замечательными образцами столярного мастерства.

Roman, Rococo period console table. Third quarter of the 18th century.
Roman, Rococo period console table. Third quarter of the 18th century.

French, Louis XV-XVI Transition period console tables. Circa 1765.
French, Louis XV-XVI Transition period console tables. Circa 1765.

French, Rocaille period, console table. Mid-18th century.
French, Rocaille period, console table. Mid-18th century.

German, Regence period console table. Circa 1715-1727.
German, Regence period console table. Circa 1715-1727.

French, Louis XV period console. Circa 1750.
French, Louis XV period console. Circa 1750.

French, 18th century, Louis XV period console table
French, 18th century, Louis XV period console table

French, Louix XV period, giltwood console table. Mid-18th century. Possibly Lyon.
French, Louix XV period, giltwood console table. Mid-18th century. Possibly Lyon.

Konsoles galdiņš, French, Regence period, carved giltwood console. Circa 1725
French, Regence period, carved giltwood console. Circa 1725

Мебельные консоли

Northern Italian, Rococo period, silver leaf console table
Northern Italian, Rococo period, silver leaf console table. Mid-18th century

Konsoles galdiņš francija

Circa 1730

Italy, 1720

Console table. Au Mascaront of Jean Bernard Honoré Turreau, France 18th century
Console table. Au Mascaront of Jean Bernard Honoré Turreau, France 18th century

Console table,  France, 1725
Console table,  France, 1725 

France, 18th century

France, 18th century

German , 18th century

Italy, 18th century
Italy, 18th century

Console table, Italy 1750
Console table, Italy 1750

Console table Italy 1760
Console table, Italy 1760

Italy, 18th century

Louis XVI period console
Louis XVI period console

Italy, circa 1750

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